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Your experts for executive, sales and specialist positions
in IT and high-tech industries.

Our consultants are active nationwide

Read here how our clients and candidates rate us

5,0 82 ReviewsSee all reviews

Benutzerfoto von S. E.

S. E.2 months ago I was contacted, informed and advised by Ms. Groell-Archut. And that on a very professional level as well as with interpersonal skills. She was at my side with advice and support throughout the entire process and so my new job, which she introduced to me in line with my professional skills, is not only an insignificant part of her merit. Thank you! …

Benutzerfoto von Klaus M Lackermeier

Klaus M Lackermeier2 months ago Excellent service. I have worked with Mr Herwig Huber, Partner of IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst, Wenzel & Partner. Mr Huber was very professional, provided his time and support, which helped me in securing the role. Much appreciated.

Benutzerfoto von Papilus

Papilus2 months ago I met Ms. Roenick, an extremely committed and always obliging recruiter. She demonstrated a high level of technical know-how in the matter and combined this with social skills that are second to none. She managed to combine both the requirements of the hiring company and the needs of the candidate. After 4 months in my new job, I still feel very…

Benutzerfoto von H R

H R3 months ago Mr. Wenzel from IT-Personalberatung gave me very good advice and support. He brought me and the company, which had a vacant manager position, together. Thank you for the helpful hints and advice! All the best and kind regards

Benutzerfoto von Matthias L

Matthias L4 months ago Mr. Wenzel gave me optimal support in my desire for a change. Both when selecting the company and preparing for the various job interviews. I will soon be working as a data science / analytics consultant in an attractive boutique consultancy. Thank you for your support, I'm looking forward to the new position!

The memberships expand our service portfolio for clients and candidates!

Internationally, we are represented by our partner organizations!

Personnel consulting for executives, sales staff and skilled personnel in the IT industry

For candidates

For companies

We focus on individuals and their financial security, as well as on the success and future of companies. We offer our customers and clients nationwide, comprehensive expertise in management consulting, personnel consulting and personnel placement. We guide our candidates through the entire process of developing an individual career plan and searching for a job.

Our philosophy

The following slogans illustrate our approach and our mission in recruiting.

We set high standards in our partnership with clients

  • We take the time to understand our clients‘ business, goals and kind of skills they look for in an employee, whether in management or operations.
  • We understand the candidate market and can advise our clients on market conditions, wage structures and how to recruit qualified candidates.
  • We have the networks and personal access to candidates already in the market (invisible in the web), who do not actively “present themselves” on the market.
  • We will personally select each candidate with great experience and care and will implement a systematic pre-qualification process.

While others still talk about “recruiting”, we provide our candidates with HR advertising and coaching

  • We approach candidates in a highly personal and professional manner and “wow” them with our clients' value proposition as a future employer.
  • Our first step is always to analyze the candidate’s current situation as well as his personal and professional qualities.
  • We work with our candidates to define their career goals and advise them on appropriate positions.
  • We guide and coach our candidates through the entire application process in a personal and trusting atmosphere.


Do you have questions about our services or would you like to send us a message?
We look forward to hearing from you!


Phone: +49 (0)711 67400-550


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Choose a professional IT personnel consultancy!

Whether you are a client or a candidate, by deciding for the IT-Personalberatung you choose a professional recruitment agency.
Winning over the right employees for key positions in your company is the most important task for ensuring future business success. This is especially true for executive, sales and specialist positions in information technology. These IT experts make existential decisions and are responsible for the fundamental digital transformation of your company.
With the IT-Personalberatung, you have personnel consultants, IT experts and an IT recruitment agency at your side that will find the ideal candidates for your demanding positions in management, sales and specialist IT departments. Our headhunters at the IT-Personalberatung are not only capable of checking whether the candidates have the required IT expertise, but also of visualizing whether their personal qualities and skills (soft skills) are a good match for the company in question.
Bringing the wrong candidates on board or leaving important positions vacant for a long time is costing companies a multiple of what a professional IT recruitment agency or headhunter would charge for its services.