IT-Personalberatung Press Information

10 years of IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG
This year, one of the leading IT recruitment consultancies is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Since its foundation, of IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG has developed into a highly valued partner for clients looking for high qualified IT professionals.

IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. - Membership of the BDU
A review of the 70th anniversary of BDU (Federal Association of German Management Consultancies)
The membership of BDU is not only an honor for IT-Personalberatung, but also an obligation to live the values and standards of the association in its daily work. ‘We are proud to be part of a network that is committed to the further development of the industry and promotes the beneficial exchange between members,’ says Manfred Wenzel, Managing Partner of IT-Personalberatung.

Headhunting: Personnel consultancies become more and more important due to an increasing shortage of personnel in IT
When you are looking for a needle in a haystack, you can increase your chances of finding it by mixing various search options. This is why more and more companies choose to employ the services of personnel consultants to find IT staff

BVMW 03.06.2022: Publication of the professional article
Without IT expertise, the company is at risk
Digitization - a real challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises!
While large corporations provide generous funds for expanding their IT departments and look out for IT expertise when filling executive positions, many small and medium-sized enterprises still need to change their mindset. Until recently, IT expertise was not a criterion for filling management positions. But without knowledge of IT, digital transformation is not possible.
Covid-19 sped up this transformation even more, so now is the time for small and medium-sized enterprises to find IT experts, expand their IT knowledge, and tackle the transformation!
Read more of freelance journalist Peter Ilg's interview with Mr. Manfred Wenzel (Managing Director of the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG.)

March 16, 2022
IT Consulting: The Days of Living out of a Suitcase May Be Over
Read the exciting interview by freelance editor Peter Ilg on how Covid 19 has changed consultants‘ expectations regarding potential employers and how open consulting companies and clients should be to it.
His interview partners include André Bindewald, senior IT consultant at Adesso, Kai Hinke, head of the software department at Consol Consulting & Solutions Software and Manfred Wenzel, managing director of the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG.

January 5, 2022
Top managers without IT expertise are outdated!
As Manfred Wenzel, managing director of the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG puts it: “For quite some time nothing works without IT. Such a predominance of a single area of knowledge has been unheard of in the past”.
Read more about how important know-how in IT is in management positions. An exciting interview by Peter Ilg (freelance editor) with Manfred Wenzel for the news site

December 3, 2021
Can Having Too Many Job Changes Hurt Your Career?
Mr. Peter Ilg, a freelance editor, has interviewed Ms. Annamaria Dahlmann, Head of Recruiting IT Professionals Deutsche Bahn and Mr. Manfred Wenzel, Managing Director of the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG on this exciting topic for

March 25, 2021
IT-Personalberatung: Only “digital twins” admitted
Learn how the “IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG” is able to source top candidates for its clients even in highly complex technical fields, assumes the entire talent acquisition for startup companies and why only “digital twins” are admitted. A report by Manfred Wenzel, Managing Director of the IT-Personalberatung.
Due to the crisis, more IT professionals are leaving their comfort zone
Mr. Peter Ilg, editor of (specialized website for IT news) has conducted a detailed interview with Mr. Manfred Wenzel from IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.

IT-Personalberatung: Wide Awake through the Crisis
The question we are most frequently asked these days: Has your business been completely put on hold? Most definitely not! A status report by Manfred Wenzel, managing director of the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG.

IT-Personalberatung: Providing Structural Support to Startup Companies
The foundation of startup companies is made of an innovative and unique business idea, entrepreneurship, trust in one's own strengths and a great deal of courage. But according to recent studies, 90 percent of German startup companies fail. Why is that? The IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.KG can provide you with the right answers and a framework for building a stable structure.

FOCUS BUSINESS – IT-Personalberatung among the "Top Recruitment Agencies 2019"
In the current survey by FOCUS, the "IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.KG" was rated among the "Top Recruitment Agencies 2019" in the two main categories "Executive Search" and "Professional & Specialist Search".

FOCUS Business Award 2018
In collaboration with the Institute Statista, FOCUS identified the best among the around 11,500 personnel service providers active in Germany. After evaluating the independent study, the FOCUS BUSINESS editors wrote to inform us: "Your company is among the Top Recruitment Agencies 2018 in Germany in the category "Professional and Specialist Search".

Emotional intelligence beats artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is linking things we never thought of associating before. We teach artificial intelligence systems to perceive the world increasingly better than us. By means of deep learning based on artificial neural networks that resemble our brain, they “grow” hyperexponentially with their tasks and experiences. The can analyze terabytes of data within seconds and are capable of making independent recommendations or decisions on that basis. Analytical tools can translate the digital footprints of potential candidates into psychological profiles. In 2017, Google Hire, an applicant tracking system was launched in the US. In the near future, People Analytics, a HR analytics tool that is “recruiting” high potentials and manages all areas of HR will be available. In 2021, the first service computer will provide customers with pharmaceutical advice. The ultimate potential offered by artificial intelligence can only be guessed at.

Social Media Recruitment. What is the impact on professional recruiters?
Traditional recruiting methods have served well in the past to deliver the resources companies need to achieve their business goals. Social media is increasingly becoming the space where professional life happens. Social media today is heavily used by companies and recruitment professionals to promote their brands and to find talents.

CSA announces new Partners in Germany
IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG joins as CSA Partner in Germany. Continental Search Alliance (CSA) is pleased to announce that IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG , a well-recognized executive search firm in Germany, has joined CSA and officially becomes CSA Germany.

IT-Personalberatung quickly rises to the top of all search engine rankings
In March of this year, Dr. Peter Dienst and Manfred Wenzel established the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG with visionary foresight and a highly professional grasp of the IT industry.
Both managing directors have brought their extensive experience as IT managers and managing directors at renowned IT companies, as well as over 10 years of professional experience in personnel consulting to this company. They are thus ideally suited to provide advice and support to large, well-known companies in the filling of positions, as well as to guide candidates through the entire process of developing an individual career plan and searching for a job.